The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student STEM Award Application Applications close midnight (AEST) on Wednesday 3 November 2021. Application Process To apply please email with the following attachments:  Application form | The applicant or nominator must complete: o Personal information o Privacy statement, o Eligibility information, o Selection criteria. Supporting evidence can be provided in written format or by video response to a maximum of four minutes  Referee form(s) | Referee(s) must comment on the applicant’s suitability for the award  Annotated photos | Collated in 1-2 pages (max six per page) as a Word document or PDF  Profile photo | To be used publicly if selected as a winner. Ideally the photograph should be a close-up portrait from the waist up, in good light and with a simple background - here are some tips on taking profile photos. All applicants and nominators will receive confirmation their submission and be notified of their outcome after the judging period in November 2021. Any questions? Please contact the Awards team at or phone Scott Philip (03) 6232 5315 How to Apply For detailed instructions on how to apply please visit: STEM-Awards. Applicant Privacy Statement Use of personal and sensitive information provided by the applicant or nominator Your personal information is protected by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and CSIRO will handle your personal information in accordance with this Act. CSIRO is collecting your personal information, including your name, contact details and any responses to questions you provide to assess your eligibility to participate in the Indigenous STEM Awards, and to facilitate your participation in the program. CSIRO will also collect your personal and sensitive information from your profile photo, any video responses and school report/results for this purpose. If you do not provide your information you may not be able to participate in the program. The CSIRO Privacy Policy available at information/Privacy outlines how your personal information will be handled, including details about how you can seek access or correction of the personal information we hold about you and how you can complain about a breach of the APPs and how CSIRO will deal with the complaint. If you require further information on how your personal information will be handled, please contact Do you (the applicant or nominator) consent to the collection and use of your personal information as set out in this privacy statement? Yes No Eligibility Information In order to be eligible for the STEM Student award, the applicant must be able to answer ‘yes’ to the following questions: yes no Is the applicant enrolled in year 10, 11, 12, TAFE or an undergraduate university course in 2021? Does the applicant identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person? If the applicant is under 18 years of age, do they have the applicant’s parent/guardian support for this application? Personal Information The following personal information is requested, both sections must be completed if you are nominating somebody else. About You I am… nominating an applicant  applying for myself  (go to Applicant details below) Nominator Details First Name: Last Name: Contact Phone: Email: Your relationship to the Applicant? Applicant Details First Name: Last Name: Preferred Name: Date of birth: Gender: Email: Contact Phone: Town: State: Postcode: School/University: School State: Traditional Place name/Country on which you live (if known): Parent/Guardian Details First Name: Last Name: Contact Phone: Email: Selection Criteria This is your chance to tell us about the applicant and why they should win the Award! Responses to each question should be at least a paragraph. The application assessment will be based on the following selection criteria. Please keep them in mind when completing the application and address how you/the applicant fulfil the criteria: • be able to demonstrate engagement and improvement in STEM subjects • be able to demonstrate effective inquiry competencies (ie. ability to apply the critical thinking skills of planning, conducting, processing and evaluating) • be involved in extra-curricular STEM activities (ie. work experience/placements/programs that build inquiry skills, STEM student networks) • be able to demonstrate leadership capabilities (ie. mentoring other students) • be able to demonstrate a passion for STEM (please note, this criterion must be answered by the student themselves and must include why they like STEM and any aspirations for the feature) NOTE: Application via Video If the nominator chooses to provide a video, the following questions can be answered in the video and are not required to be completed below. The video must be no longer than 5 minutes. The video should be uploaded to a free video sharing site such as YouTube or Vimeo. This should be done with settings to share a video through a private link. If there are any difficulties in uploading the video please contact the team at or on 03 6232 5315. Video Link here: P87TB1#y1 Response 1. Please discuss the applicant’s improvement and/or engagement in STEM subjects. (e.g. increase in marks, increase in attendance, more involved in classroom discussion, etc.) Click here to enter text up to 550 words in size 10 font. P96TB2#y1 2. Please provide an example of where the applicant has effectively used the inquiry process. (Ability to apply the critical thinking skills of planning, conducting, processing and evaluating.) Click here to enter text up to 550 words in size 10 font. P124TB3#y1 3. Please discuss the applicant’s involvement in extra-curricular STEM activities. (Extra-curricular STEM activities could include work placements, participating in science- maths student networks, STEM Clubs etc.). Click here to enter text up to 550 words in size 10 font. P152TB7#y1 4.Please discuss how the applicant demonstrates leadership capabilities. (Examples ofleadership could be mentoring other students, representing your school/university inSTEM/cultural/ community activities etc.) Click here to enter text up to 550 words in size 10 font. P180TB5#y1 5.This criterion must be completed by the student/applicant. Please tell us about your passionfor STEM, why you like it and what your aspirations are for the future. Click here to enter text up to 400 words in size 10 font P210TB6#y1 6.(Optional) Please add any other information that may be relevant to this application. (Pleaseinclude links to media etc) Click here to enter text up to 400 words in size 10 font P239TB4#y1