Who are our citizen scientists? P1#y1 Since CSIRO Energise launched in mid-June 2018, we’ve had more than 3800 people across the country who have downloaded the app and registered to take part in our energy research. Of these registered citizen scientists, there are a higher proportion of males (~63%) than females (~37%). Read more about our citizen scientists below… Where are you located? Our citizen scientists come from every state and territory. The greatest number – nearly a third – are from New South Wales, with Victoria and Queensland rounding out the top three. Comparing against ABS Census data, it seems that the proportion of citizen scientists across different states and territories is fairly representative of the broader population, but there are a few exceptions (e.g. there are disproportionately more app users in the ACT than the population would suggest, but slightly fewer in Queensland and Western Australia). Despite being reasonably representative of Australia, it’s clear to see we don’t have as much information about the Northern Territory and Tasmania as we do for the other states. We’re keen to boost participation rates nationwide, especially in under-represented areas. So wherever you live in Australia, please encourage your friends, family, colleagues and passers-by to jump on board! M:\Insights\Survey Snapshots\FinalVersions\State Percentage Map.png How many of you are there? If we compare the number of CSIRO Energise users with that of the total population, it seems the highest concentration of citizen scientists is in the ACT, where we have around six citizen scientists for every 10,000 people in the population. Next highest is Tasmania, where there are nearly two citizen scientists for every 10,000 people. For the remaining states and Northern Territory, we have around one citizen scientist for every 10,000 people. How old are you? When it comes to age, our sample of citizen scientists is quite diverse – there’s a mix of younger, middle-aged and older people contributing to our energy research. Around half of our citizen scientists are 30–49 years old and a third are 50–69 years old. While there are fewer app users in other age groups, it’s great to see that we have citizen scientists aged all the way into the 90s! Comparing the age distribution of our citizen scientists against ABS Census data, it seems we have a higher proportion of app users in the 30–69 year age range relative to the broader Australian population, but lower proportions in the under 30 and 70+ age groups. So for younger and older Australians alike, we would love to see more citizen scientists join our national energy research! Survey snapshots provide a quick look at some of the results provided so far by our citizen scientists. For further information csiro.au/energise Contact us 1300 363 400 +61 3 9545 2176 csiroenquiries@csiro.au csiro.au As Australia’s national science agency and innovation catalyst, CSIRO is solving the greatest challenges through innovative science and technology. CSIRO. Unlocking a better future for everyone.