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Issue 04: December 2023

From end-of-year showcases, internships, camps to our WithSTEMYouCan campaign, 2023 was another eventful year.

It was also one of impact. The STEM Community Partnerships Program hosted eight showcases, welcoming close to 1000 students from 46 high schools across New South Wales. Meanwhile, Generation STEM Links started 61 internships in 2023, an increase of 165% compared to 2022.

Other exciting events include the Deadly in Generation STEM camp, which took place over four exciting days in October. It brought together 17 Aboriginal students from Year 8 to 10 from schools in the Illawarra region. The students left the camp with memories, connections, and the realisation that STEM skills are applicable in their everyday lives.

We also ran our #WithSTEMYouCan campaign to demystify the relevance and transferability of STEM skills, such as creativity, problem-solving and teamwork and draw in parents and industry to encourage students to explore career paths based on passions and capabilities.

As always, we are thankful to our partners for your support of the program. Please contact the team if you would like to get involved, or feel free to forward this email to others in your network.

We wish you all a wonderful break and a Happy New Year.

Innovation in action

STEM students take on community challenges

Close to 1000 students from 46 high schools across New South Wales (NSW) showcased their solutions to community challenges at the STEM Community Partnerships Program (STEM CPP) end-of-year celebration.

Uniting science, culture and growth

Nurturing Indigenous students on Country 

Indigenous knowledge met modern science at this year's Deadly in Generation STEM Camp for Aboriginal students.

Four businesses share their experiences

Generation STEM Links: The benefits for business

From agriculture and design to marketing and agtech, four very different businesses have one element in common: they all benefitted from Generation STEM Links program.

Stay tuned for 2024

Research project

UNSW STEM survey

Interested in teaching and have a STEM background? University of New South Wales would like you to take part in a 15-minute survey to help understand how to attract and retain professionals from STEM backgrounds into the teaching profession. Check eligibility and complete the survey by December 21. Click the link for details.

Take part