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Issue 29: June 2023

Today's innovation, tomorrow's mineral resources

WMC 2023 is the hottest ticket in town

With less than a week to go, World Mining Congress 2023 promises to be the biggest event in the resources calendar this year.

We are delighted to host and showcase our world-leading talent and transformative innovations across the minerals value chain.

If you are attending, drop by our CSIRO booth in the exhibition hall. We'd love to meet you!

leaders comment

A global moment

The challenge of delivering the minerals required for rapid and effective climate action has an urgency that I hope motivates us all to consider what we can do differently, to meet the demands and tackle the challenges before us, writes DR ROB HOUGH

Our science
CSIRO CHiEF scientist

Want to see innovation at pace, look to the Resources sector

In today’s world, innovation at speed in any sector is compulsory. All companies in all sectors are under pressure to develop and maintain the ability to act and react at pace in an era of rapid technological change, writes PROFESSOR BRONWYN FOX

New science

Sensing and sorting

Getting under Earth’s skin using super sensing technology

Sensing technology based on X-rays and MRIs aren’t just for medical diagnoses. Today they help meet the growing challenges of the resource industry. By MIKE MCRAE


Suneeti Purohit is helping reduce emissions from steelmaking

From game changing research to paving the way as a role model for ethnic groups, Dr Suneeti Purohit is breaking boundaries and helping change the future of how we handle CO2 emissions.

In case you missed it...