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July 2023

Triumphant time in the spotlight for Australian resources at World Mining Congress

Tania Constable, CEO of the Minerals Council of Australia
Plenary speaker Tania Constable, CEO of the Minerals Council of Australia, outlines the urgency for critical minerals for technolgies to bring about global decarbonisation.

The 26th World Mining Congress brought together the global resources community and shone a light on Australia's industry.

The stand out message was a consensus that mining and resources are crucial for global decarbonisation objectives to be realised.

This month, Resourceful reports back from World Mining Congress and shares insights from our recent Cutting Edge Symposium: Locking Carbon in Minerals.

World Mining Congress

World Mining Congress catalyses collaboration for global decarbonisation

A meeting of the international mining community embraces the call for critical minerals to bring about transformational change to lower emissions, supercharge renewables and electrified technologies and create a sustainable resources industry, writes KEIRISSA LAWSON

Australia has the mineral resources – what’s our plan to Australia’s energy transition?

World Mining Congress host CSIRO and Australia’s Department of Industry, Science and Resources gathered leading scientists, researchers and senior government and industry stakeholders from the sector for a breakfast session to discuss the minerals and resources challenges to bring about an energy transition for Australia.  JANE NICHOLLS reports


Australian mining’s crucial role in the transition to net zero

Critical minerals will be central to our transition to net zero. The world needs them, and Australia has them, writes CSIRO Executive Director of Environment, Energy and Resources, DR PETER MAYFIELD

Mineral carbonation

Moving toward net-zero by locking carbon in minerals

Meeting net-zero emissions goals will require a range of novel technological solutions that permanently remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Mineral carbonation offers the opportunity for both decarbonisation and atmospheric carbon dioxide removal, reports GRACE KIRKBY