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November 2023

Copper and nurturing net zero innovation

Copper for renewables

The race for copper

History is made of copper and the future will be too. The metal is in greater demand than at any time in human existence, as the world decarbonises, weans itself off diesel and continues to electrify. TIMOTHY CONNELL reports

Towards net zero

Nurturing Net Zero skills

Meet two of our passionate researchers shaping Australia’s future sustainable iron ore to steel value chain. GRACE KIRKBY writes

Mineral of the month


Conducting change: Why copper is key to a renewable future

We trace copper's gleaming thread through human history, right into the heart of today's green revolution.


Upcoming events


Discovery Innovations for Minerals Exploration seminar day

Join us in Perth on 8 February 2024 to hear our latest research on new and innovative disruptive technologies for cost-effective mineral discovery rates and better ore body delineation.
