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Use our free, self-paced online learning program, Innovate to Grow to help you advance your digital technology or artificial intelligence innovation.

Innovate to Grow: Digital Technologies and Artificial Intelligence Program

Applications close on Sunday 21 July 2024.

Apply now

About Innovate to Grow

This online learning program is designed to support Australian SMEs in advancing their innovative technologies and solutions through research and development (R&D).

In just 10 weeks, you will:

  • Refine your research question, aligning it with your product roadmap and innovation challenges.
  • Develop a clear value proposition, business case and funding proposal.
  • Learn how to effectively collaborate with the research sector for successful R&D projects.
  • Forge valuable connections with experts in the digital technologies and / or artificial intelligence sectors.

The program commences on 15 August 2024. Approximate time commitment for this program is two to three hours per week.

Learn more about the program

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