About the program
Each year, 25 Year 5 to 10 students become ‘Young Future Shapers’.Young Future Shapers can receive personalised support, meet like-minded kids and experts at a STEM Camp, bring a group on a learning adventure, or create their own prize pack.
We prioritise opportunities for young people under-represented groups in STEM. These groups include Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students, girls, those from lower opportunity areas or those from regional areas.
Young Future Shapers is delivered by STEM Together in partnership with BHP Foundation.
Narrator: “What are our Young Future Shapers into?
[Image changes to a girl facing the camera with cartoons drawings of a brain, a conical flask and a lizard near her head]
Future Shaper 1: I like to learn new things.
[Image changes to a boy facing the camera while a cartoon drawing of a bulldozer assembling itself and driving offscreen is shown near his head]
Future Shaper 2: Engineering and building things is my go to in STEM.
[Image changes to another girl with a cartoon rendering of an astronaut helmet on her head. Cartoon planets are in front and behind her]
Future Shaper 3: I also like knowing the fact that there’s always more space to discover.
[Image changes to another girl next to a cartoon tree that seems to glow with bioluminescence].
Future Shaper 4: Genetically modified organisms. I find them fascinating.
[The girl disappears and the words “explore more” appear. The video changes to a fully animated style]
Narrator: Tons of ideas. One goal. Explore more.
[The image changes. A cartoon girl with a jetpack flies off screen]
Narrator: Future Shapers gives young people greater access to STEM opportunities.
[The image changes. Cartoon hands meet in a circle, while the words “confidence, capability, connection” float nearby]
Narrator: They’ll build confidence, capability, and connection with STEM, and learn skills for life. They can also
[The image changes. Three cartoon characters open a door that says “STEM camp” light and glitter shine from inside the door]
Narrator: Meet people like them at a STEM camp
[The image changes. A cartoon character drives a small bulldozer robot, while two more characters look on]
Narrator: Go on a local learning adventure
[The image changes. A cartoon student opens a box with ribbon. A microscope, snorkel and fins fly out of the box]
Narrator: “Or design a custom prize pack”
[The image changes. The website address csiro.au/YoungFutureShapers appears, followed by the CSIRO and BHP Foundation logos.]
Narrator: Nominate a young person in years 5-10 today at csiro.au/YoungFutureShapers
Program eligibility
Young Future Shapers are in Years 5-10 and usually identify as being from at least one of the following underrepresented groups in STEM:
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students
- Girls
- Those from regional schools
- Those from lower opportunity areas.
The Young Future Shapers program does not focus on academic achievement. It is for those who have an inkling of an interest in STEM that can be drawn out and developed further.
Program outcomes
A comparison of pre- and post-program surveys of participants in the 2023 intake showed:
- 100% of respondents increased their understanding of how STEM can help their communities
- 91% increased their awareness of different areas of STEM study and career options
- 90% increased their capability with 21st Century skills*
- 80% increased their level of interest in STEM*
- 80% increased their level of connection with peers to share their STEM interests with
- 70% increased their desire to study or work in a STEM-related career*
*Some participants’ pre-program scores were comparatively high, resulting in small shifts post-program.