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The National AI Centre (NAIC) is transitioning from CSIRO to the Department of Industry, Science, and Resources (DISR) on 1st July 2024. You can find the latest NAIC content at For any NAIC-related questions, please email

GLOBE program outcomes

Canberra-based forest industry researchers Dr Harry Wu and Dr Colin Matheson measure the girth of a Radiata Pine as part of the Swifter Pines project.

Besides rapid growth, dramatic improvements in the wood quality of this species are expected in the next generation of trees. Recent work also includes the development of trees adapted to low rainfall (400-600mm p.a.) regions.

CSIRO's Radiata Pine breeding program is estimated to have already returned to Australia financial benefits 16 times greater that the cost of the program.

Measuring the girth of a Radiata Pine ©  North Sullivan Photography

From 2020 to 2023, NASA’s Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program was proudly delivered by CSIRO with support of the Australian Space Agency.

The GLOBE program has three primary goals:

  • Increase environmental awareness.
  • Contribute to increased scientific understanding of the Earth.
  • Support improved student achievement in STEM.

GLOBE utilised citizen science, encouraging the use of the GLOBE Observer app which provided hands-on experience in data-collection and scientific research and lead to a deepening of the collective understanding of Earth’s systems.

GLOBE, and the GLOBE Observer app, were targeted towards teachers and students and were advertised in school and business newsletters as well as online events.

By the end of CSIRO’s role as Australia’s GLOBE country coordinator in 2023, Australia had:

  • 358 schools and/or informal education organisations with at least one GLOBE educator
  • 1,071 school students participating in the GLOBE program 3,418 total GLOBE observers
  • 172,440 data measurements entered through a school
  • 184,892 data measurements entered in total

To find out more about the GLOBE program’s impact in both Australia and worldwide, visit GLOBE Impact and Metrics.

Visit GLOBE Impact and Metrics

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