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Are you interested in becoming part of STEM Professionals in Schools?  Join the Program!

At a time when STEM skills are critical to building the Australian workforce of the future, our STEM professional volunteers are inspiring students, increasing teacher capability and improving understanding of STEM career pathways.

STEM professional program benefitsThe STEM Professionals in Schools program has a network of STEM professionals from more than 300 organisations, committed to supporting the next generation of problem solvers and innovators.

If you work in STEM related disciplines within industry, academia or research, we can match you with a teacher to share your knowledge and passion and develop the scientific literacy of students. Through a partnership you can help to bridge the gap between the classroom and real-world STEM practice.

Our independent evaluations have found that partnerships are effective in delivering benefits for teachers, students and STEM professionals. The most recent evaluation reported that major benefits identified by STEM professionals include:

  • involvement in STEM education
  • sharing their STEM knowledge with others
  • personal development
  • networking through interactions with teachers, peers and students.

Each partnership in the STEM Professionals in Schools program is a bespoke arrangement between the STEM professional and teacher, based on their combined interests and expertise, availability, local context and student needs. Teacher partners provide expertise on how to align with the Australian Curriculum and their student needs, and our dedicated program support team is available to provide guidance at every stage of your partnership.

Program eligibility

  • minimum of a bachelor degree in a STEM field; or
  • evidence* of equivalent experience in a STEM field
  • the ability to obtain and/or provide evidence of the relevant Working with Children/Vulnerable People check and National Police Certificate as part of the CSIRO Child Safe procedure

* Evidence may include a letter of endorsement, supervisor support, Curriculum Vitae or similar.

Child Safe Standards

As part of the program's mandate to keep all children and young people safe, all STEM professionals who undertake any type of interaction with students are required by state and federal governments to undergo security screening. You must provide evidence of the relevant Working With Children/Vulnerable People Check and National Police Certificate as part of CSIRO's Child Safe Policy.

If you don't have this documentation, the STEM Professionals in Schools team can support you to obtain it and cover the associated costs. Evidence of the completed checks must be provided before a partnership is made.

Australian Capital Territory Working with Vulnerable People registration Access Canberra
New South Wales Working with Children check NSW Office of the Children's Guardian
Northern Territory Ochre Card SAFE NT
Queensland Blue card Queensland Government
South Australia Working with Children check Department of Human Services
Tasmania Registration to work with vulnerable people Tasmanian Government
Victoria Working with Children check Working With Children Check Victoria
Western Australia Working with Children check Government of Western Australia

More information

If you would like additional assistance, please email us via

Real world input for real world impact - CSIRO STEM Professionals in Schools

[Teachers and STEM professionals on slides on screen smiling, and sharing skills]


[The CSIRO logo swirls into the centre of the screen]


[Text on screen: STEM Professionals in School]


[Students are electrifying pencils in a glass as their instructor watches on]


[Text on screen: Real world input for real world impact]


[David and Rebecca are lesson planning together in front of a laptop]


Dr. David Bird: With Rebecca and I it's a team effort. Rebecca will come up with an idea and then we'll work on it together.


[David Bird sits in a classroom with a chalkboard in the background, text beside him reads: Dr David Bird Senior Research Scientist DST]


We can usually find an example of an experiment which we can do with the children in the class. And I'll build a lesson around that.


[David and Rebecca smile at each other and look excited as they plan their lesson.]


[A close-up of Dr Bird as he answers questions]


If you're passionate about your line of research and you want to inspire the next generation of STEM professionals there's no better way to do it than to get involved in this program.


[Dr Bird points out things for his small group of young students to look for in their experiment]


[The camera pans into a classroom where Bridget Hosking is explaining aviation points on a TV screen on the wall in a classroom.]


[Bridget Hosking sitting in front of the camera]


[Text on screen reads Bridget Hosking Air Traffic Controller Melbourne Airport]


Bridget Hosking: It allows me to take what I love in aviation to show the diversity of science-based career paths.


[Students are smiling at Bridget as she makes her presentation.]


[Shots of the countryside switch to a row of lockers in a hallway]


[Andrew Gill sits with students in front of a laptop explaining a lesson]


Andrew Gill: STEM Professionals in Schools is fairly unstructured. So there's no set template that's CSIRO enforces.


[He has clearly explained something and the students looked shocked and excited by this revelation.]


So that means you can tailor the program both to your own preferred ways of working, as well as what worked at a particular school at hand.


[Andrew Gill in a close-up, text on screen reads Andrew Gill Mathematician DST]


[A shot of students working together in a classroom]


[The shot switches to the view of a large open valley]


[Shots of the outside of a school]


[A sign outside reads 07 Science, Trade Training]


[Barbara McClure sits on a desk in her classroom. Text next to her reads Barbara McClure Postdoctoral Researcher SAHMRI]


Barbara McClure: I can let students know what does a scientist look like? And what do they actually do day to day? There's so many opportunities for women in STEM careers.


[Shots of Barbara McClure and students during a lesson in a classroom]


[Barbara McClure points to a graph on the screen]


So for me coming to the school and showing the kids this is where science can lead you is really important to me.


[Barbara is sitting on the desk being interviewed]


[Another shot of the students in the classroom for Barbara's presentation looking happy and interested in the material.]


[A shot of a small town with mountains in the background]


[A shot of the outside of the school]


Craig Proctor: Being a participant in the program can help STEM professionals in their communications skills,


[A close-up of Craig proctor, text beside him reading Craig Proctor Fisheries Scientist CSIRO]


Their presentation skills. Because it is quite a challenging audience at times.


[Craig wears a lab coat and is showing a room full of students something about the ear bones of a fish while they watch]


You have to keep your language simple, but you have to keep it interesting as well.


[Close-up shots of Craig’s equipment and fish carcass for the presentation]


[A close-up shot as Craig dissects the fish head, students groan and one sticks out her tongue as they watch.]


[Close-ups of various electronics]


Phillip Field: And I'll ask you what areas do you want to be? But my suggestion is don't limit yourself.


[Phillip Field sat casually being interviewed in a lab. Text next to him reads Phillip Field Electrical Engineer (Retired)]


You ought to be challenged. You ought to keep awake at night.


[The camera pans up as Phillip is showing a class full of younger students something about electronics]


[One of the students is holding a drone, tilting it to work out the mechanics.]


So do something with yourself and you'll never know where it might lead you. Go for it.


[Shots of the video participants smiling for the camera]


[The CSIRO logo pops into the centre of the screen, underneath is written Australia's National Science Agency]


[An equation of logos is on the screen with a graduation cap representing teacher, then a plus sign adding it to a STEM professional symbolized by a molecule logo.]


[The equals symbol then connects to a gear logo representing partnership.]


[A circle graph titled Schools with different colours for different percentages on screen, Catholic being 16.3%, Government being 65.8%, Independent/Private being 16.8% and other being 1.1%]


[A map symbolizing national reach with a circle graph to one side. the text under the graph reads "with 29% in regional and remote areas.]


[On the map going clockwise NT 1.5%, QLS 20.8%, NSW 20.9%, ACT 5.9%, TAS 5.2%, VIC 23.9%, SA 8%, WA 13.8%.]


[A graph titled STEM Professionals, the circle graph showing percentages by gender with female at 43.2%, male at 56.6%, and not specified at 0.2%. The text under the graph reads note Female STEM professional representation is significantly higher than the national female STEM qualified population of 17 percent overall asterisk leading to a footnote "from the 2020 program evaluation.]


[Text on centre screen reads The STEM Professionals in Schools project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment. At the bottom of the screen is reads: The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment.]


[New Screen, test reading STEM Professionals in Schools would like to thank: Dr David Bird, Senior Research Scientist, DST; Bridget Hosking, Air Traffic Controller, Melbourne Airport; Andrew Gill, Mathematician, DST; Barbara McClure, Postdoctoral Researcher, SAMHRI; Craig Proctor, Fisheries Scientist, CSIRO; Phillip Field, Electrical Engineer (Retired)]


[New Screen text reading STEM Professionals in Schools would like to thank: St Peter's Lutheran School; Santa Maria College; Trinity College; Banksia Park International High School; Lansdowne Crescent Primary School; Playford International College]


[Fades to black]

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Are you interested in becoming part of STEM Professionals in Schools?  Join the Program!

At a time when STEM skills are critical to building the Australian workforce of the future, our STEM professional volunteers are inspiring students, increasing teacher capability and improving understanding of STEM career pathways.

The STEM Professionals in Schools program has a network of STEM professionals from more than 300 organisations, committed to supporting the next generation of problem solvers and innovators.

Infographic for STEM related professionals showing the following points:

  • inspires the next generation of STEM innovators (icon shows head with exclamation mark popping out of flip-top skull)
  • demonstrates STEM related career paths (suitcase icon)
  • improves communication and presentation skills (speech bubble icon; one solid colour and one with ellipsis)
  • proven industry-school engagement model (icon with four arrows pointing in opposite directions)
  • supports corporate social responsibility objectives (icon of spiral notepad and pencil)

If you work in STEM related disciplines within industry, academia or research, we can match you with a teacher to share your knowledge and passion and develop the scientific literacy of students. Through a partnership you can help to bridge the gap between the classroom and real-world STEM practice.

Our independent evaluations have found that partnerships are effective in delivering benefits for teachers, students and STEM professionals. The most recent evaluation reported that major benefits identified by STEM professionals include:

  • involvement in STEM education
  • sharing their STEM knowledge with others
  • personal development
  • networking through interactions with teachers, peers and students.

Each partnership in the STEM Professionals in Schools program is a bespoke arrangement between the STEM professional and teacher, based on their combined interests and expertise, availability, local context and student needs. Teacher partners provide expertise on how to align with the Australian Curriculum and their student needs, and our dedicated program support team is available to provide guidance at every stage of your partnership.

Program eligibility

  • minimum of a bachelor degree in a STEM field; or
  • evidence* of equivalent experience in a STEM field
  • the ability to obtain and/or provide evidence of the relevant Working with Children/Vulnerable People check and National Police Certificate as part of the CSIRO Child Safe procedure

* Evidence may include a letter of endorsement, supervisor support, Curriculum Vitae or similar.

Child Safe Standards

As part of the program's mandate to keep all children and young people safe, all STEM professionals who undertake any type of interaction with students are required by state and federal governments to undergo security screening. You must provide evidence of the relevant Working With Children/Vulnerable People Check and National Police Certificate as part of CSIRO's Child Safe Policy.

If you don't have this documentation, the STEM Professionals in Schools team can support you to obtain it and cover the associated costs. Evidence of the completed checks must be provided before a partnership is made.

Australian Capital Territory Working with Vulnerable People registration Access Canberra
New South Wales Working with Children check NSW Office of the Children's Guardian
Northern Territory Ochre Card SAFE NT
Queensland Blue card Queensland Government
South Australia Working with Children check Department of Human Services
Tasmania Registration to work with vulnerable people Tasmanian Government
Victoria Working with Children check Working With Children Check Victoria
Western Australia Working with Children check Government of Western Australia

More information

If you would like additional assistance, please email us via

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