[Music plays and ON and CSIRO logos appear]
[Image changes and a male narrator appears with the text AcceleratiON, ApplicatiON]
Male: We all know that the world has to double its food production by 2050.
[Image changes to show a sprayed patch of ground and a preformed patch of ground]
We have a product and an approach to help achieve this.
[Image changes and a hand appears drawing with a crayon and then images flash through of paddocks growing crops]
Male: A decision support system called i-EKbase out of CSIRO’s digital innovation for biosecurity in Tasmania.
[Images flash through of the 3D printing process]
[Text appears: A 3D printer meets material scientists and becomes a versatile research tool, AdaptNRM: Transforming knowledge services for natural resource managers, Advanced Malware Protection Suite (AMPS), AeroAtlas: Interactively Discover Australia While You Fly, A fast plant breeding platform, An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) for conducting surveys in shallow water, An integrated sensor and modelling system for alerts, control and management of air pollution, Anonalytix – Provable privacy guarantees, Ball-E: Solid state sensor Solutions for real-time, continuous monitoring in extreme environments, Anti-biofilm coating]
[Images flash through of people operating the Digital Homestead system, a farm, a cow and cattle yards]
Female: The Digital Homestead is setting the scene to integrate new and existing technologies for use in Australia’s northern beef industry
[Image changes to show a male narrator in an office]
Male: And I’d like to introduce the next generation in aerial lidar mapping and autonomy in the form of Hovermap.
[Text appears: Batteries that don’t explode or catch fire – Leong Mar, Building Value from Natures Toolbox- Terpene Modifiers, Camazotz: Near Perpetual Position, Condition, and Context Monitoring System, Commercialise the Double Helix archives, CSIRO Institute of Professional Applied Scientist, CSIRO Now, Diet & Lifestyle management for diabetes – A community solution, Eco-coat: a non-toxic environmentally friendly solution to the global corrosion challenge, Enabling loT ecosystem with open middleware platforms]
[Image changes and a sign flashes through “Vaximiser Maximising Vaccination” and then another sign flashes up “Pandemic outbreaks and seasonal flu pose a constant threat Pandemic”]
[Image changes to show a female displaying Ball-E on her hand and then the camera zooms in on her hand and another screen appears showing a picture of a quarry]
Female: We’d love to present Ball E. It’s a small durable sensor capable of measuring metal ions, PH and much more.
[Text appears: Environmental Information Explorer and Analysis, Field Prime, Foods marketed to the world based on our Ultra-Low-Gluten (ULG) barley, Fouling-resistant sensor manifold, Generating electricity with a CO2 capture process, Global Hazard Mapping for Buildings and Structures, Globalising access to advanced CSIRO capacity in model-based environmental analysis, HeatWave: Handheld 3D Thermal imaging system, High accuracy high resolution real time 3D imaging sensor based on sensor fusion]
[Image changes to show a hand writing and text appears: Acceleration meals by design, innovative food processing technologies, high pressure processing, microwave technologies, pulsed electrical field, extended shelf life for export, fresh-like attributes, enhanced nutrition]
[Image changes to show one male and two females on the screen]
Female: Anonalytix acts is a tool which will help corporations manage the privacy risk of their data while at the same time maximising the planning that they can get from those data extracts.
[Image changes to show screens displaying various CSIRO pages]
Male: The next wave centre is an idea to commercialise CSIRO’s ocean forecast systems.
[Image changes to show a screen displaying a rotating beetle and then image shows other screens displaying the same data]
Male: Publish 3d is a high fidelity platform for publishing, sharing and experiencing 3D data.
[Text appears: High Resolution Light-beam Induced Current Mapping System for Photovoltaic Research, Home-based smartphone-enabled cardiac rehabilitation (CR) via Software as a Service (SaaS), Home Comfort-SENSE, HoverMap – Intelligent UAV lidar Mapping, i-EKbase: Big Data Analytics for Intelligent Farming, Innovative coating for control release of nutrients/bioactive conjugates, Lab 6 – Australia’s Flow Chemistry Centre, Low cost and high efficiency CO2 capture with integrated chemical utilisation and transformation, Low cost sensor for algal bloom alerting and water quality monitoring]
[Image changes to show a male narrator and images flash through of CSIRO webpages]
Male: We contributed to developing a national smart metering standard to enable this.
[Image changes and images flash through of CSIRO webpages]
Male: We did lots of modelling and theoretical development of Algorithms for managing in network power quality.
[Image changes to show a male narrator and images flash through of CSIRO webpages]
Male: We want to use ON to accelerate the uptake in commercialisation of a power quality management software.
[Text appears: Meals by Design through Innovative Processing, Membrane modules for H2 refuelling stations, Metallic Powder Analyser, Microvine: Rapid Breeding Platform, Microwave Disinfestation technology for the management of invasive pest species, NetIX: Flexible Internet Traffic Exchange, New applications for the Rotating Liquid Sheet (RLS) Contactor, Next Wave Centre: ocean forecasting for industry, NgaraCo – the next generation of wireless communications, NGO – Sustainable Development Goals, OLED for PDT (aka Organic Light Emitting Diodes for Photodynamic Therapy)
[Images flash through of a smart phone]
[Image changes to show Peyman Moghadam CSIRO]
Peyman Moghadam: I’m presenting Heatwave. Heatwave is a 3D mobile thermal imaging device. So as you move your hand around the optic it generates a 3D model of the objectswith temperature and colour information on the fly in real time.
[Text appears: OurClimate Phenotyping Analytics, Preforms for Die Forgings, Publish 3D – a high fidelity platform for publishing, sharing and experiencing 3D data, renewable miroalgal solutiON for fuels and bioproducts, Residential & Commercial PV and Storage Assessment Tool, Rethinking the ammonia absorption process for a step-change in gas clean-up - LW, Saving Vision with Light: Photo-modulated Ocular Drug Delivery, SciMart – the virtual home of Australian science]
[Image changes to show a male narrator and images flash through of sports stadiums, an athlete and a small electronic device]
Male: What we’ve done with CSIRO is essentially take that satellite end of the system and turn it into local what we call anchor nodes. They’re installed around the stadium and they communicate with the devices that the players are wearing.
[Text appears: Single-Step Ambient-Air Synthesis of Graphene from Renewable Biomass, Skynet – Solar Forecasting for Energy Applications, Preforms for Die Forgings, Smart Work Centre Networks (SWC), Software platform to integrate data and model for 3D material micro-structure, Sprayable biodegradable polymer membrane systems, Switched-ON-farm, Technologies to Prevent and Mitigate Water Supply Emergencies]
[Image changes to show Dr. Raja Jurdak and text appears: Camazotz Tracking System]
Dr. Raja Jurdak: This device is used for near perpetual tracking of small mobile asset.
[Image changes to show two male scientists]
Male: With this technology we hope we can control the delivery of biotic molecules using light instead of needles.
[Text appears: The red macroalgae Asparagopsis taxiformis methane abatement as a natural product, The Virtual Power Station (VPS), uStash – a Platform for Efficient Content Distribution in Public Transportation, Vaximiser: Protecting the world from the next pandemic, WASP WiFi – network based location detection of WiFi devices, Wealth from low grade gas resources, Wearable Networks]
[Image changes and pictures flash through of people spraying ground, a tractor spray unit and a harvester]
Male: Whatever actions we choose society benefits greatly.
[Image changes to show a male narrator]
That is why we are passionate about and want to be part of the Accelerator program.
[ON and CSIRO logos appear]
Recognising the challenges facing Australia’s innovation system, CSIRO as part of their 2020 Strategy have started the ON program to focus on building connections with the Australian entrepreneurial community to accelerate CSIRO’s entrepreneurial capacity to create impact for Australia.
Ms Liza Noonan has been appointed Executive Manager Innovation to lead the ON program. Ms Noonan has extensive experience in the innovation industry and was most recently General Manager of Springboard Enterprises Australia, an accelerator platform for female entrepreneurs. Prior to this she led Alcatel-Lucent’s ng Connect program in Australia.
“I’m thrilled to join CSIRO at this very exciting time to support implementation of the 2020 Strategy, particularly on translating excellent CSIRO science and technology into positive impact for Australia,” Ms Noonan said.
“The ON program will be key to delivering more breakthrough innovation from CSIRO. One of the first initiatives of ON is a new Accelerator for CSIRO concepts with high impact potential.”
The accelerator program started in July this year and was open to all CSIRO staff who submitted 240 ideas ranging from a handheld 3D thermal imaging system to a virtual power station. Nine teams were selected to be a part of the first accelerator cohort.
The program includes concepts such as the development of ultra-low gluten barley which may revolutionise the gluten-free market worldwide by providing an alternative solution to the high fat and low fibre diets of many gluten avoiders today.
“This program is different to other accelerators out there,” Ms Noonan said.
“These are deep tech projects that cross a wide range of industries, from manufacturing to agriculture. Our end goal is to get technology out to market that will address major challenges we face as a nation.”
The first Accelerator is due to finish in December this year, with a second round opening in early 2016.
Background information
As part of StartUpSydney Week CSIRO is hosting a Meet the Entrepreneurs panel on Friday, 30 October to talk very practically on how we are connecting great science and technology to commercial opportunity.