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Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

CSIRO employees and their immediate family members are entitled to free, voluntary and confidential counselling services at any time. Several sessions are offered at no cost, which enable discussions on a range of issues, either work-related or personal, with a qualified professional.

First aid

Our employees have access to emergency and routine first aid services at all sites across Australia. Thorough training is provided to a number of our staff members who have volunteered to act as official First Aid Officers.

Health promotion

Some of our sites offer health promotion initiatives such as fitness/yoga classes, walking groups, courses and seminars, as well as facilities such as showers, change rooms, sporting fields and gymnasiums. Employees are supported in their efforts in making a regular commitment to a healthy lifestyle and are encouraged to participate in the health promotion programs offered. These programs are generally arranged and managed by volunteer staff members, with the support of site management.

Health, safety and environment

CSIRO is committed to continually improving health, safety and environmental standards to minimise the risk of:

A CSIRO scientist working at the highest level of biosecurity in a protective suit

  • injury to staff, visitors and contractors
  • harm to the environment.

We have a team of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) professionals who are available to advise and guide staff, and to ensure a safe working environment.

Upon commencement, our staff participate in a safety induction program to ensure they have the necessary tools, skills and information to carry out their duties in a safe manner.

COVID Safe Plan

As the national science agency, CSIRO continues to play a critical role in the global response to COVID-19 and is supporting Australia in its recovery and future resilience.

Since the start of the pandemic, the health and safety of our people, partners and the communities has been our top priority. View our COVID Safe Plan.

Smoke-free environment

CSIRO provides a smoke-free work environment for all staff and visitors. Smoking is prohibited in all buildings and vehicles under the control of CSIRO. It is also prohibited outside buildings in any area where smoke may be drawn into the fresh air intake ducts, open doorways or windows.

CSIRO Benevolent Fund

Four Benevolent Fund Management Committees are active within CSIRO, and all staff across Australia will have access to a Fund Representative. The fund exists to assist staff members, present and past, as well as their dependants, in times of need. The CSIRO Benevolent Fund is an independent body, run by volunteer staff for the benefit of all staff. Employees are invited to contribute a small amount each pay to help support their respective fund.

Equity and Diversity Contact Officers

Equity and Diversity Contact Officers are located at most of our sites and are a valuable resource for all staff. They are voluntary positions and serve as the first point of contact for staff who may witness disrespectful, bullying and/or discriminatory behaviour towards themselves or others. Diversity Officers will listen and provide information and options to help resolve any issues.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

CSIRO employees and their immediate family members are entitled to free, voluntary and confidential counselling services at any time. Several sessions are offered at no cost, which enable discussions on a range of issues, either work-related or personal, with a qualified professional.

First aid

Our employees have access to emergency and routine first aid services at all sites across Australia. Thorough training is provided to a number of our staff members who have volunteered to act as official First Aid Officers.

Health promotion

Some of our sites offer health promotion initiatives such as fitness/yoga classes, walking groups, courses and seminars, as well as facilities such as showers, change rooms, sporting fields and gymnasiums. Employees are supported in their efforts in making a regular commitment to a healthy lifestyle and are encouraged to participate in the health promotion programs offered. These programs are generally arranged and managed by volunteer staff members, with the support of site management.

Health, safety and environment

CSIRO is committed to continually improving health, safety and environmental standards to minimise the risk of:

We're committed to achieving the highest health, safety, and environmental standards for our staff.

  • injury to staff, visitors and contractors
  • harm to the environment.

We have a team of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) professionals who are available to advise and guide staff, and to ensure a safe working environment.

Upon commencement, our staff participate in a safety induction program to ensure they have the necessary tools, skills and information to carry out their duties in a safe manner.

COVID Safe Plan

As the national science agency, CSIRO continues to play a critical role in the global response to COVID-19 and is supporting Australia in its recovery and future resilience.

Since the start of the pandemic, the health and safety of our people, partners and the communities has been our top priority. View our COVID Safe Plan.

Smoke-free environment

CSIRO provides a smoke-free work environment for all staff and visitors. Smoking is prohibited in all buildings and vehicles under the control of CSIRO. It is also prohibited outside buildings in any area where smoke may be drawn into the fresh air intake ducts, open doorways or windows.

CSIRO Benevolent Fund

Four Benevolent Fund Management Committees are active within CSIRO, and all staff across Australia will have access to a Fund Representative. The fund exists to assist staff members, present and past, as well as their dependants, in times of need. The CSIRO Benevolent Fund is an independent body, run by volunteer staff for the benefit of all staff. Employees are invited to contribute a small amount each pay to help support their respective fund.

Equity and Diversity Contact Officers

Equity and Diversity Contact Officers are located at most of our sites and are a valuable resource for all staff. They are voluntary positions and serve as the first point of contact for staff who may witness disrespectful, bullying and/or discriminatory behaviour towards themselves or others. Diversity Officers will listen and provide information and options to help resolve any issues.

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