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XT Hydro makes years of hydrogeochemistry research more accessible with an easy-to-use web app.

The technology uses a collection of mineral ratios and exploration indices to identify potential areas of interest for explorers. This process previously relied on collecting data from different sources in different formats, converting the values into a consistent scale and format, and then feeding it into a series of hard-to-use spreadsheets.

XT Hydro simplifies and speeds up the process of loading and analysing data, and investigating the results. This makes using hydro data in mineral exploration research projects a less time-consuming process, and more accessible to a wider range of researchers.

Who can use XT Hydro?

XT Hydro is currently research ready and is actively used for CSIRO projects. We are in the process of launching an Open Beta version to the public, and are seeking expressions of interest to work with industry to develop the technology and expand its access. Contact us below to express your interest in working with our Open Beta version.


Accessible science

XT Hydro makes years of hydrogeochemistry research available to anyone looking to get the most impact from their hydro data.

Simple to use

The XT Hydro is a web app, designed to be simple and easy to use. After processing your hydro data you can download it an open format (e.g. csv, geopackage, GeoJSON) and import it into your existing tools and workflows.

Current features

Current technology features include:

  • calculation of hydrogeochemistry describers
  • calculation of element and exploration indices
  • easy mapping of input data (csv/spreadsheets)
  • geospatial visualisation of calculated indices
  • the ability to combine the process with other analytical tools/pipelines

Future work

We plan to work further on:

  • trialling other geochemical data types (soils, vegetation, etc)
  • providing additional context by integrating with the Australian Continental Scale Hydrogeochemistry dataset

Groundwater pH, Australian Continental Scale Hydrogeochemical Dataset.


The sample spacing in hydrogeochemistry is generally not fine enough for ore body mapping and is instead used as a regional detection tool. It can be used to detect weathering sulfides at large scales and can determine what time of sulfides at smaller scales.

Examples of where hydrogeochemistry and XT Hydro works:

  • greenfields exploration
  • tenement selection
  • situations where baseline environmental information is needed
  • indications of alteration 
  • near misses
  • moving into thicker cover/basins
  • weathering sulfides detection
  • known mineral systems detection.

XT Hydro has been trialled on many commodities (Au, Base Metals, U).

Intellectual property

CSIRO owns all the IP related to the XT Hydro web app.

The team

Our team of researchers and engineers are part of the Discovery program, CSIRO Mineral Resources.

Learn more about our team

Could this technology provide you with a competitive edge?

Contact us to find out more about our licensing and investment options.

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