CAPSTAN 2017 - Overview_Credit Marine National Facility
[Music plays and an underwater image of the ocean appears]
[Camera pans through the water and the image shows a piece of marine science equipment moving from the top of the screen to the bottom and text appears, Aye! Aye! CAPSTAN!]
[Camera zooms out until the marine science equipment disappears into the background]
[Image changes to show the piece of marine science equipment plunging down through the water from the top of the screen to the bottom and text appears: Collaborative Australian Post-graduate Sea Training Alliance Network]
[Image changes to show the Investigator moving through the ocean and the camera zooms in on the ship and text appears: CAPSTAN is a breakthrough training program for postgrad students]
[Image changes to show the crew in conversation on the deck of the Investigator and text appears: …that seeks to transform how marine science education is delivered in Australia]
[Image changes to show a side view of the Investigator and text appears: The program gives students the opportunity to train at sea on board Investigator]
[Image changes to show crew members watching from the deck of the Investigator while a piece of marine science equipment is hauled back on board and text appears: an advanced research vessel that provides a platform for multidisciplinary science]
[Image changes to show a multi-corer plunging down through the water and text appears: Oceanographic]
[Image changes to show a piece of marine science equipment with rotating tubes and text appears: Atmospheric]
[Image changes to show a view looking into a microscope type piece of equipment and text appears: Biological]
[Image changes to show crew members gathered on the deck of the Investigator working with a piece of marine science equipment and text appears: Geoscience]
[Image changes to show crew members in conversation on the deck of the Investigator and text appears: The inaugural CAPSTAN voyaged from Fremantle to Hobart in November 2017]
[Image changes to show a group of students working in a room and looking through a microscope and text appears: Twenty-nine postgraduate students and trainers from 12 Australian universities participated]
[Image changes to show students working on the deck of the Investigator and text appears: Student received research-based training with a wide range of marine research equipment]
[Image changes to show a group of students donning inflatable bodysuits and text appears: and learned about living and working at sea]
[Image changes to show a group of students laughing and taking photographs on the deck of the ship and text appears: The voyage was described as a “once in a lifetime experience”.]
[Image changes to show a group of students inside the boat looking through the window with binoculars and text appears: and collected data that will contribute towards real world research.]
[Image changes to show a group watching through a window as a piece of marine science equipment is brought back down on to the deck by two males and text appears: CAPSTAN is supported by a network of leading university and industry partners]
[Image changes to show a male standing and talking on the right-hand side of a large screen and text appears: The program seeks to provide platform for institutional, industrial and generational knowledge transfer]
[Image changes to show water from an underwater camera and text appears: to support our nation’s growing blue economy]
[Image changes to show students on the deck of the Investigator and text appears: and deliver Australia’s next-gen marine scientists]
[Image changes to show a blue screen and Macquarie University, CSIRO and Marine National Facility logos and text appears: Individually we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean, CAPSTAN is led by Macquarie University, supported by the Marine National Facility and governed by a network of leading industry and university partners]
[Marine National Facility and CSIRO logos and text appears: Supporting, enabling and inspiring marine science, Owned and operated by CSIRO on behalf of Australia]