Internal governance for GBR research
CSIRO’s research effort in the GBR is guided by a high-level Steering Committee, chaired by Dr Peter Mayfield (Executive Director-Environment, Energy and Resources) and with senior Business Unit representation. It oversights the work of the GBR Coordinator (Dr Bruce Taylor), who is supported by a dedicated GBR coordination team.
Goal: 2050
Ecological function of GBR ecosystems preserved
Intermediate outcomes 5-15 years
Cross-cutting & systems science 3-10 years
Component research 3-10 years
Enabling environment for efficient and effective science contributions 3-10 years
Internal governance for GBR research
CSIRO’s research effort in the GBR is guided by a high-level Steering Committee, chaired by Dr Peter Mayfield (Executive Director-Environment, Energy and Resources) and with senior Business Unit representation. It oversights the work of the GBR Coordinator (Dr Bruce Taylor), who is supported by a dedicated GBR coordination team.
Diagram showing the internal governance arrangements to facilitate cross-CSIRO Business Unit integration and to maximise the access to relevant CSIRO capability across the various Great Barrier Reef (GBR) research impact pathways. On the External Coordination side there are External Stakeholders that connect to a variety of areas on the Internal Coordination side, including: